SUMMER CAMP Registration Form

  • All summer camp sessions are Monday-Thursday 8:30-12 unless noted.
  • You may enroll multiple campers on the same form/transaction. You will be prompted to enter individual camper information when you select enrollment quantity.
  • Once you have completed your camp selection(s), Click the "ADD TO CART" button at the bottom of the page and proceed to checkout.
  • If this is your first time ordering through RHHS Boosters, you will be prompted to create an online account. You will only need to do this once and can log in at any time in the future to view your purchases and change your contact information.
  • Your sales receipt and additional camp information will be sent to you via email.
  • Please contact Brian Van Deusen, Camp Director, at for additional information.

    • All cancellation requests submitted before June 1 are subject to a $15 administrative fee. Any requests made after June 1 will incur a 20% administrative fee. 
Item DescriptionPriceQty
June 9-13
 Boys Soccer - Incoming 9th Graders
June 9-13 | Mon-Fri 4pm-7pm | Ages: 12-14 | Coach Matt Shagogue
 Boys Basketball - All About the Fundamentals (90 Minutes)
June 9-13 | Mon-Fri 4:00pm -5:30pm | Ages: 11-15 | Coach Matt Graves
 Boys Basketball - Shooting Clinic (90 Minutes)
June 9-13 | Mon-Fri 5:45pm-7:15pm | Ages: 11-15 | Coach Matt Graves
 Girls Basketball - Shooting Clinic (90 Minutes)
June 9-13 | Mon-Fri 4pm-5:30pm | Ages: 11-15 | Coach Teresa Waters
June 9-13 | 4pm - 7pm | Ages: 9 -14 | Coach Jeff Rermgosakul
June 9-13 | 4-7pm | Ages: 10-17 | Coach Sallie Byrd
June 16-20 (NO CAMP on June 19)
 Weight Training
June 16 - 20 (NO CAMP ON June19) | Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 8:30am-12:00pm | Ages: 12-17 | Coach Breaon Hebron NOTE: If school is in session on 6/16, 6/17, or 6/18 we will shift to after school hours.
 Boys Lacrosse "In The Zone"
June 16-20 (NO CAMP ON June19) | Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 8:30am-12:00pm | Ages: 9-14 | Coach Keith Gonsouland NOTE: If school is in session on 6/16, 6/17, or 6/18 we will shift to after school hours.
June 16-20 (NO CAMP ON June19) | Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 8:30am-12:00pm| Ages: 9-14 | Coach Jordan Deutsch NOTE: If school is in session on 6/16, 6/17, or 6/18 we will shift to after school hours.
June 16-20 (NO CAMP ON June19) | Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 8:30am-12:00pm| Ages: 8-12 | Coach Sallie Byrd NOTE: If school is in session on 6/16, 6/17, or 6/18 we will shift to after school hours.
June 16-20 (NO CAMP ON June19) | Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 8:30am-12:00pm| Ages: 9-14 | Coach Kelly Pfefferkorn NOTE: If school is in session on 6/16, 6/17, or 6/18 we will shift to after school hours.
 Tennis - Only Extended Camp/Tournament (Wed & Fri only)
June 18, 20 | 12:00pm -2:00pm | Ages: 9-14 | Coach Kelley Pfefferkorn
 Girls Basketball - Skills Camp
June 16 - 20 (NO CAMP ON June19) | Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 8:30am-12:00pm | Ages: 8-14 | Coach Teresa Waters NOTE: If school is in session on 6/16, 6/17, or 6/18 we will shift to after school hours.
June 23-26
 Football Skills Camp
June 23-26 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am-12:00pm | Ages: 9-14 | Coach Brian Van Deusen
June 23-26 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am-12:00pm | Ages: 9 -14 | Coach Craig Estrin
 Video Production: The Short Film
June 23-26 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am-12:00pm| Ages: 9-17 |Mr. Michael Ahr
June 23-26 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm |Ages: 9-14 | Coach Jessica Garry
June 30-July3
 Boys Basketball - Rising Stars (Extended Hours)
June 30-July 3| Mon-Thurs | 8:00am-3:00pm | Ages: 11-14 | Coach Matt Graves
July 7-10
 Girls Lacrosse
July 7-10 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 9-14 | Coach Amy Weinberg
 Football QB, Runningback & Receiver Camp
July 7-10 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 7-14 | Coach Brian Van Deusen
 Video Production: The Short Film
July 7-10 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 9-17 |Mr. Michael Ahr
July 7-11
 Boys Basketball - SKILLS and OFFENSIVE DRILLS Clinic
July 7-11| Mon-Fri 9am-10:30am 12:15|Ages: 11-15 | Coach Matt Graves
 Boys Basketball - Shooting Clinic (90 Minutes)
July 7-11| Mon-Fri 10:45-12:15|Ages: 11-15 | Coach Matt Graves
July 14-17
 HAWKS Sports Camp
July 14-17 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 3:00pm FULL DAY OPTION | Ages: 5 -14 | Coach Brian Van Deusen and Coach Matt Shagogue
 HAWKS Sports Camp
July 14-17 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm MORNING OPTION | Ages: 5 -14 | Coach Brian Van Deusen and Coach Matt Shagogue
 HAWKS Sports Camp
July 14-17 | Mon-Thurs 12:00am - 3:00pm AFTERNOON OPTION | Ages: 5 -14 | Coach Brian Van Deusen and Coach Matt Shagogue
 Video Production: The Short Film
July 14-17 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 9-17 |Mr. Michael Ahr
July 21-24
 Art Camp
July 21-24 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 8-14 | Instructor Alisa Wasilewski
 Field Hockey
July 21-July 24 | Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 9-14 | Coach Shelly Chamness
Aug 4-7
Aug 4-7 | 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 9-14 | Coach Lynn Paynter
 Football Camp
Aug 4-7 |Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 11-14 | Coach VanDeusen
 Girls Soccer
Aug 4-7 |Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 9-14 | Coach Brian Song
 Boys Soccer
Aug 4-Aug 7 |Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 12:00pm | Ages: 9-14 | Coach Matt Shagogue
 Boys Basketball - Guard Camp
Aug 4-7 |Mon-Thurs 12:30pm - 4:00pm | Ages: 11-15 | Coach Matt Graves

I approve of my child's participation in the River Hill Summer Sports Camp. I certify that my child is in good health and understand that River Hill High School, the River Hill Boosters or the River Hill Boosters Summer Sports Camp staff are not liable for injuries or accidents that might occur during participation in our camps.

Parent/Guardian Signature (Please type full name)