The PTSA of River Hill High School (RHHS) is currently seeking individuals who are interested in volunteering for this academic year, 2023-2024.  The positions we have open and a description of what they entail are below.  


Please contact Ulrike Thompson at  to further discuss your interest. Thanks so much!

Positions Open:




Time Frame

What it entails

Membership Coordinator

Year long

Develop campaign, advertise and promote membership, track through Memberhub; most support needed through December 2023

Volunteer Coordinator

Year long

Recruit volunteers for various PTSA events/functions, monitor volunteer sign ups, help committee chairs with their volunteer needs, 

PTSA Scholarships Coordinator

January - June

Recruit committee members (2-3), update application form, advertise and receive student applications, select recipient and present scholarships at Senior event

Parent Education Programs Coordinator

August - May

Coordinate with other HoCo PTSAs to provide workshops to our members and other HoCo high school parents; as this is a shared effort with other schools we provide 1-2 speakers per year; sessions are held virtually

Music Boosters Liaison

August - April

Connect with the Music Boosters to foster collaboration for HillFest and other events

Student Reflections Program Committee Member

October - January

Work with Reflections Chair to promote program, collect and organize student’s work in music, art, literature and photography; serve as judge and celebrate student’s achievements

Post Prom Party Committee Member

October - May

Serve on committees such as decorating, prizes, food, entertainment, fundraising, security or promotion





Position Description:



Membership Coordinator– The Membership Coordinator works to meet the membership needs of the PTSA, helping to reach our revenue goals through boosting membership. National PTA has a membership toolkit which can be used to assist. The Membership Coordinator also has access to our membership platform, MemberHub, and helps to track our membership numbers throughout the year. The Membership Coordinator can table at events and find many other ways to promote membership in the PTSA throughout the year.


Volunteer Coordinator – The Volunteer Coordinator helps to recruit volunteers for the various PTSA functions and activities for which we need additional help. S/he will monitor our volunteer sign-ups, tables at events, and provide volunteers information to PTSA coordinators as they request help with their projects.


PTSA Scholarship Coordinator – We need someone to coordinate the RHHS PTSA Scholarship program applications this year.  Preparation for this work is done in the late Fall and then applications are due usually in February.  The coordinator will work with an executive PTSA board member and others in reviewing the applications and awarding the scholarships. 


Parent Education Coordinator – The Parent Ed Coordinator works to provide parent education workshops to our membership and to high school school parents at large in Howard County. Currently, we work with the other high school PTSAs in Howard County to provide webinar based parent ed programs; the group is called CPPEG for Collaborative PTSA Parent Ed Program. Programs can be offered on a range of topics including, but not limited to: teen driver safety, healthy dating, healthy screen time habits, ways parents can support their teens social and emotional growth and well being, drug use and abuse, suicide prevention, college prep and more. 


Reflections – Reflections is the National PTA's state and national arts program which provides students with access to artistic expression and opportunities for recognition.  Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. The 2023–2024 Reflections theme is I Am Hopeful Because…    RHHS students will submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.  Reflections volunteers will work with the communications volunteer to market and advertise this program, help coordinate the program overall in the school, help submit the entries to the state body, and report on progress of the program at the monthly PTSA meetings.


Post Prom Party – The Post Prom Party (P3) will be held in May 2024  To volunteer for this event, please email Peta Demuren at There are a lot of ways you can get involved on various organizing committees or for just that evening.